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PBIA Recognized Instructor Training Course Description

The Cue Chief Recognized pool instructor training course has been carefully developed to teach those wishing to enter into a Professional Billiard Instructor Association (PBIA) training environment, the basic teaching skills necessary to become an instructor/trainer.


Learning the basic fundamental teaching skills is the first step in building a successful career as an instructor. The course focuses on teaching and helping you develop those basic skills and knowledge expected of an instructor.


The basic instructor training course has been designed to provide those attending with the basic teaching skills needed to function as a Recognized PBIA instructor. The course will also provide those attending a thorough overview of the current methods and theories of training development and instructional techniques.

Who should attend?


All those wish to enter into the world of training of players at all levels both in a pool clinic and private environment.


Basic Pool Instructor Training Course Pre-requisites


Complete a proficiency examination to demonstrate fundamental skills


Basic Pool Instructor Training Course Objectives!


At the end of this course the student will have a working knowledge of the basic requirements to:


  • Plan, develop, and write training objectives.

  • Personalize a lesson plan provided to the student.

  • Use training aids.

  • Deliver pool lectures, presentations and demonstrations

  • Use good questioning techniques including, open, closed, rhetorical and leading questions

  • Use evaluation and testing methods including stroke analysis


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